We are Springs of Living Water.
Springs of Living Water, founded in 2019, rescues young women and children from human trafficking in Ethiopia and provides them with vital services and training.
Springs of Living Water Samaritan House is one of only two human trafficking victim shelters in all of Ethiopia. While staying at Samaritan House, victim survivors receive trauma-free support and services, a bible, bible studies, and vocational and life-skills training. This past year, Samaritan House served 40 such survivors.
The story of the genesis of Springs of Living Water, founded by Bereket Mamo, is an interesting and inspiring one. After a year in the field, Bereket Mamo became aware of the plight of women and girls who are commercially exploited. She began to meet regularly with them, and so began the creation of Springs of Living Water, a non-profit, Christian organization founded on the belief that Jesus Christ is the Living Water.
Addressing trafficking holistically involves tackling the physical needs, as well as the spiritual needs of those who hunger and thirst for the spring of living water. Springs of Living Water rescues young women and children from human trafficking and connects them with Jesus Christ, loving them as Christ loved the church, offering unconditional love, spiritual and emotional support, as well as vocational and life skills training.